Friday, January 29, 2010


It's official. Baby Girl Clampet has a place to stay when my maternity leave is over this summer. Yesterday I finally got brave and went to tour a daycare here in town. Let me tell you, it breaks my heart to send her to daycare. But you have got to do what you have got to do, right?
Please pray for Brian and I. We are having a hard time grasping the whole "We are going to drop her off every day at 7:45 a.m. and pick her up at 5:15 p.m. just in time for her to come home, eat, bathe and go to bed at 7:30 p.m." thing. My best friend Chelsie recommended this daycare to me. It was extremely clean, is Christian based and smelled good. (It did NOT have the poopey daycare smell-major plus for me).
Afterwards I ran to Chick Fil A to grab a grilled chicken sandwich, fries and cole slaw. (Yes, I know, their coleslaw and fries are like 7,000 calories...but whatev). On my way back I had to hit my brakes hard and there go all of my fries. ALL of them. ALL OVER the floor board of my car. In the dirt, and whatever else lives on the floor board of my car. I cried. When I got to the parking lot I got out and scooped them back into the sack. And ate them. I am pregnant.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

21 Weeks..Over Halfway!

It's official! I've crossed the halway mark.
We are already so anxious for her to be here!
I am freaking out about nursery bedding. Actually, I am freaking out about alot of things, but nursery bedding is really on my top five list of "things to be freaking about at this moment".
Id like to do a vintage/shabby theme, but the only bedding I can find that I like is $500....I just dont know if we can spend that much on bedding right now. With the help of my grandma and mom, I'm thinking maybe we can make it ourselves. Atleast that way Brian and I could pick out fabric we like.
Speaking of Brian, he took these before church today. I swore I wouldn't be one of those that posted belly pictures, but decided to jump on the bandwagon. It'll be fun to look back at these when I am as big as a Buick come May, right!? :)
I really love my doctor. She has been with us through both miscarriages and is just flat out sweet. The scale makes me dread going to see her, but she is pleased with where I am-having gained between 10 and 12lb's the first 20 weeks is supposidly not to bad.
I think it all went straight to my gut and face.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Since I am considered high risk, we have been fortunate enough to have 3 ultrasounds up to this point. (I am 20 weeks right now-HALF WAY THERE!)...What do I have to show for it? A belly that looks like I enjoyed the Holiday feasts a bit to much! The quality of these are pathetic, I appologize. My copier/scanner is broken and I totally just snapped these and uploaded them. But HERE SHE IS!

Baby Girl Clampet 6 week 1 day
Baby Girl Clampet 8 weeks 4 days
Baby Girl Clampet's Feet at 18 weeks 4 daysBaby Girl Clampet's profile picture at 18 weeks 4 days

For the record, the Chinese gender predictor was right, the "needle stuck in the end of the pencil eraser tied to a piece of thread dangling over my palm" trick that my aunts tried on me at Christmas was right...and so were we! Because of all of the trouble we have had getting to this point, we did not have a preference regarding the gender, but both had a feeling it was a girl.

I decided to start a blog following us on our journey into parenthood, so that family and friends far away can keep up with what is going on....we are excited to welcome baby girl Clampet in early June! But for now, please admire our sweet little Ellie. She is going to be the "big sister". I think she needs a shirt that says that...wonder if they make those for dogs? I must research this.....

Oh, and here we are...BORING :)